Google Announces new Meta tag for News and Events

As we have all known to this thing that Google has stopped giving any importance to the keyword Meta tags way long back. Google just started ignoring the Meta keyword tags two years back just because of that almost all the updated SEO professionals have also stopped using them in their websites. Google started giving more priority to title and Meta description tag of the websites to get them ranked in the SERP.

But last week Google announces a new Meta tag especially for the News and events or the content related to the current events or stories or news to provide them better visibility and fast indexing in the search results, so that the users can get hold of all those current issues related to any niche.

The tag which Google defines for the news and events will gives the much more visibility to such kind of content which contains some useful news and informative and interesting information regarding some current issues or event which happened recently or going to happen in near future. You can use 10 different comma separated keywords in this Meta tag to publicize your website for correct and contextually relevant search queries & keywords.

I have used this tag on some of my websites which is giving me seriously dam good results. I wish it will help you guys as well and will give you some good rankings to your content.
Try this: <meta name=”news_keywords” content=”sports, cricket, T20 Cricket updates, India v/s Pakistan,”>


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